Monday, April 22, 2013

Advice:10 Benefits of Baby Wearing

Benefits of Babywearing
Studies have shown that babies who are worn in a soft baby carrier are calmer, more content and cry less. With the ability to explore the world close to you, they learn better and grow up happier and more confident.
  1. PROMOTES BONDING. Carrying your baby is a great way to connect with her. Your baby is "right there" to enjoy whenever you feel like hugging, kissing or talking.
  2. ADAPT TO WORLD .  By being so close to you and hearing your familiar heartbeat, breathing, voice and warmth, your newborn is able to adapt to life outside the womb much more quickly.
  3. CALMS. Walking around and putting your arms round your baby in a pouch helps soothe fussy babies.
  4. STIMULATES. Babies stay longer in a "quiet, alert state" when carried. This is the ideal state for learning. Rather than just seeing the world from their cribs or pram, wearing your baby allows him to see what you see and explore the world.
  5. BREASTFEEDING. Breastfeeding in a pouch not only preserves your modesty, it also gives your tired arms a break and allows you to chat on the phone or surf the web.
  6. MULTI-TASK. With your baby in a pouch, yours hands are freed up to do other things, like preparing meals, cleaning and caring for your other children.
  7. GET A LIFE. Carrying your baby in a pouch while out shopping or running errands couldn’t be any easier. Definitely beats the hassle of carrying that heavy car seat or stroller. Just pop your baby in your pouch and go!
  8. EXERCISE. Carrying your baby while walking around is the same as carrying dumbbells altogether. Its a great way to lose some of the post partum fat.
  9. TOILET EMERGENCY. This depends on which carrier you are using but this saves you when you're out all alone with no place to put your baby down when you need to empty that bladder. 
  10. SAFETY. Your baby being close to you is the safest. Instead of running loose in crowded or dangerous places, a child in a sling is held safe and secure right next to your body. Slings also provide emotional safety when needed, so that children can venture into the world and become independent at their own pace.
What are your views on Baby wearing? Would you rather take out a stroller instead? What are ways do your bring out your baby?

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